Thursday 23 May 2013

Delivering baby

I am writing about a bad experience of delivering baby which is about my sister's baby delivering. When I was in Iran my sister was in labeur for 3 hours when we took her to the hospital and the nurses called her doctor to come for delivering the baby. It was weekend and doctor said it's too early to coming to hospital for me because it takes more hours to deliver the baby and ordered nurses some medication for faster delivering but,didn't came to the hospital. After medication she got stronger labuer and the nurses took her to the delivering room and called doctor again. At that time she was about 6 hours in labeur and in Iran nobody is allowed to be at the delivering room. I was really frosted and angry to the doctor and worry about my sister. Finally, after a while she delivered the baby and fortunaitly mother and baby both were healthy and great but still no doctor at the hospital. When after a minutes he arrived I was told him we don't need you anymore because nurses did your duty  and we should pay them not you. But he just laughed and said don't worry I was talking with the nurses while I was driving and everything was under control but,that was not enough for me.

1 comment:

  1. I think the doctor was not responsible. Baby delivery is should be very careful but the doctor wasn't. I am glad that her and her baby are both healthy.
